I really want to draw more this year. I'm always trying to draw more but it can be tough to find the energy when you have a full time job. Last night I went to a drop in figure drawing class with my very talented friend, Karen Klassen (to anyone who hasn't visited her blog, you must. It's amazing: www.karenklassen.blogspot.com). It felt so good to exercise my people drawing muscle. The model was great, lots of variety in her poses and she had a very round and curvy body that was fun to sketch. Here are some of my drawings from last night:






Those look great!
I am figure drawing model (just started this past week), and those were pretty much the exact poses I used. And I thought I was being original...sigh.
Keep up the great work!
You know, it doesn't matter if your poses are original. As long as there's variety you're doing a good job.
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