I was off from my day job all last week so I spent a lot of time in my studio. I wanted to play around with the way that I create finished illustrations. I especially wanted to try not using heavy black line the way I usually do. Here are 2 ways that I painted the image 'My Cookie.'
©2008 Jacqueline Hudon-Verrelli
©2008 Jacqueline Hudon-Verrelli
Well Jackie, I kind of like the one without the heavy line myself. It almost matches the style of the drawing, if you know what I mean. Like your colouring is soft and light and the light pencil work compliments it nicely. I find the dark line a bit over powering, at least on this one. And I love my dark thick line drawings! The light-line one almost has a more realistic look to it as well for some reason, which kinda makes it look a little bit creepy, just with the almost realism but the proportions are not real at all. Yeah, I like the light line one for sure. Hooray for Jackie!
Thanks for the feedback, Colin.
I agree with Captain Lau.
Hey, hello there... your comments are back! Just to be contrary I still like the strong black line but I can see why you might want to experiment in certain instances. Maybe you could try using the bold line in areas where you want contrast and impact ie. facial features and possibly body/limb outlines while using the soft pencil line or even no line in other situations ie. divison of colours on the shirt, hair fringe, choc chips...? Just a thought. Your character drawings are really lovely by the way... bags of, er....character :)
I like the top one (soft,light)! I really enjoy the painting in the hair and the collage in the background. It has much more emotional impact/personality for me. Fun!
Y'ARR!! Captain Lau!!
Wow - thanks guys. I haven't had this much feed back in a while. It's very much appreciated.
Nice! I prefer the 2nd one somehow... Happy Autumn to you dear....
Wow, you've really been keeping busy since I disappeared from the bloggesphere! Good work!
ps: I like the top one. That hair looks real! Is it real? How'd you do that?
Hey Alisa,
Nice to hear from you. Yes, I have been keeping busy. I've been feeling really inspired lately and have been working in my sketchbook everyday. The hair in the top one was done by several transparent layers of brown paint mixed with gel medium.
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