Friday, December 7, 2007

Finished promo

Here's what the front of my promo will look like:

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matt dawson said...

As always, lovely work. Is this to be a one sheet type thing that you mail out along with examples of work...or will you print both side and have thumbnails on the reverse...? For me it makes a nice cover, then you could print both sides on 2 A4 sheets say, fold and get an 8 page A5 booklet...?? Well done on the talk as well... I still get that 'makes me feel like a professional' every now and then (more then than now...)... while the rest of the time feeling like someone will find me out as the guy who is making it up as he goes along :) Sorry to not have been commenting more of late (a few hastles have been taking up my blog time) hope to be back on the case from here on in... Merry Xmas and a great 2008 if I don't comment before then!

Jacqueline Hudon-Verrelli said...

Hey Matt,

Thanks so much.

I had painted this image with the intention that it would be the front of a postcard. The back side of it will be black and white with a small image where one would normally write a message. Because of mail regulations, there's not a lot of space on the back side of a postcard for art, but I do the best I can with the space there is. I hadn't considered doing a booklet. I don't have enough new work for that right now, but I'll keep it in mind for next time.

You're certainly not alone in feeling like the guy who makes it all up as he goes along. I sometimes wonder if everything I've done up until this point has been a series of flukes and the next time someone hires me I'll be found out.

Thanks for checking in. I look forward to seeing where you're at with your book.

Merry Christmas!