This illustration is for a poster that I was working on a little while ago. I didn't do the design for it and haven't seen it yet with the text. I'll post it once I do.
©2008 Jacqueline Hudon-VerrelliThe thing about this project that was really great for me creatively, is that it brought me back to the kind of drawing that I used to love to do. Over the years I've slowly gotten away from the more free style of drawing that I used to do as a student, which is also the type of drawing that I tend to do for children's stuff. In my sketches for this poster - and there were a lot of sketches - I was drawing many children and I haven't drawn human children in a long time. Instead of focussing on proportion, I was just having fun with facial expression, different sized eyes, elongated limbs... It was great. Here's some of my process sketches for this poster - they're pretty rough but I think the little girl is cute:
©2008 Jacqueline Hudon-VerrelliAlthough I think in time this way of drawing will dominate, for now I don't think it's appropriate for all of the illustration projects that I work on. I'll just be using it for drawings meant for children.
Since finishing this project I have been so inspired and excited. I've been working steadily in my sketchbook, more than I have ever before. Not everything I've drawn is good, but I've been experimenting and really enjoying the process. I've been drawing lots of characters which I'll be posting in the days to come.