Wednesday, July 11, 2012

uppercase magazine, issue #14

The latest issue of Uppercase Magazine contains a large section about children's books and I was lucky enough to have been mentioned.  I was so excited to be interviewed for a magazine that I really respect and enjoy - I've had a subscription ever since returning to Canada from Europe.

(click on the images to view them bigger and more clearly)

When my copy of the magazine arrived in the mail a few days ago I was thrilled to see how beautiful the article about me and my book (Bye, Bye, Butterflies!) looked and then even more excited to see that included in the issue were three of my favorite picture book illustrators: Isabelle Arsenault, Jon Klassen and Oliver Jeffers.

Thanks so much to Janine Vangool for including me and to Kait Kucy for writing such a nice article.


Lisa Thompson said...

That is amazing! Congratulations Jacqueline. How have I missed this publication?? I need to go pick it up while this issue is still on the shelves. Can you find it at Indigo or do I have to go to a specialty magazine store?

Jacqueline Hudon-Verrelli said...

Here's a link to places who stock it:

Lisa Thompson said...

Fantastic! Gratsi.