• the original door, knob and detailing - even a keyhole cover

• inlaid flooring

• a servant bell from back in the day

• the most elaborate crown moldings I have ever seen

• the view from our room on the second floor

• the most beautiful old grandfather clock

• the skylight and light fixture above the stairs

• staircase with gorgeous railing

• intricate tile floor in the entrance

• I absolutely LOVE that they still use keys like this :)

• a collection of blue and white ceramics

• kitchen art

• backyard garden (I'll take some outside shots if/when it stops raining

• one of 3 gorgeous fireplaces in the house. This one is my fave because of the detailed tiles

• upright piano

• the sun room - I covet a room like this for myself someday

The last 3 are of the sun room, which is where I'm headed now to spend the rest of this rainy day sitting, drawing and drinking tea.
wow these are wonderful- i love the key too! so awesome, looks so beautiful. i'm jealous hahaha. have fun, Janice
Hi Jaqueline,
I found your blog through your facebook account :) I'm your cousin Ellen (Kevin Baier's wife) in case you're not sure who this strange person is commenting :) Anyway, I had no idea that you guys moved out to Europe and have been catching up with all your posts!! Your new place is just incredible!! Makes me want to go back to Europe!! (I've been in the Central European area twice) I totally loved the post about getting used to the toilets! Such a simple thing, but really they are completely different - and paying to use a public washroom too (not sure if you've encountered that). I once had a man follow me into a women's restroom just to collect the fee for me to use it!! Anyway I look forward to reading about all of your adventures! You can check out our blog (mostly about the kids & that kind of stuff) if you like http://www.kevinandellen.blogspot.com
Oh my goodness! This is the house of my dreams!! *sigh* I love your blog and your drawings!! Being a chronic 007 fan I also love the title of your blog!! :)
Thanks everyone.
Although I don't think we've ever met, I know who you are, Ellen :) We did encounter paying for public washrooms in London, but they fortunately don't do that in Edinburgh. And I'll be sure to check out your blog.
Sam, I know what you mean - this is my dream house too. I'll try to take some photos of the garden today - it's so beautiful. Unfortunately, we 'll only be here for a few more days. We're just staying with friends until our own apartment becomes available for us to move in.
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